• 21 June 2020 | Sunday
The Event is cancel

Original title | Ma Vie de Courgette
Director        | CLAUDE BARRAS

Switzerland, France / 2016 / Colour / 66’ / DCP
French with Turkish subbtile

Screenplay | Céline Sciamma, Gilles Paris
Cast            | Gaspard Schlatter, Sixtine Murat, Paulin Jaccoud

As the first full-length film of the Swiss director Claude Barras, My Life as a Zucchini travelled the four corners of the world, following the premiere held in Cannes Film Festival in 2016; admired by the audience everywhere it screened. The movie is now a guest to Kundura Cinema for a screening held specially for kids and families.

Adapted from the novel titled Autobiographie d’une Courgette of the French writer Gilles Paris, the movie centers around a 9 year old boy. Courgette starts living in an orphanage after his mother’s sudden death. Although he could not get used to the orphanage in the beginning, Courgette makes friends as he witnesses the lives of other orphans like him in time; learns to trust people and found a new family. 

Addressing the difficulties of living in an orphanage partly with an emotional way as well as using humor on the other hand, this stop-motion animation appeals to not only children, but also to adults. In the interview given by the director Barras, he expresses that “Adults cry while watching the movie, feeling a sort of nostalgia on their childhood. Children, on the other hand, leave the movie with questions about future on their minds.”

  • Regular - 30 TL
  • Discount (Student /60+ Age) - 18 TL

    Seating Plan:
    Seats are not numbered.
    The Venue: Guests could enter the venue 2 hours before the session for which they have a ticket.
    We would like to remind that the ticket allows enjoying the designated areas only. Visiting the film sets in Beykoz Kundura is not permitted. We kindly ask you to stay in the designated area.
    Recording with a professional camera is not allowed unless you have a written permit. We ask you to leave your recording devices to the security point at the entrance of Beykoz Kundura.
    Screenings: All the films, except from the children’s film, will be screened in the original language with Turkish subtitles. In case of a technical problem in the electronic subtitle system, first we will try to fix it and if it could not be fixed, the screening will be held without subtitles.
    After the sessions begin, it is not allowed to enter the hall. We kindly ask our guests to attend the sessions on time.
    Children: Children under the age of 3 are not allowed in the movie theaters to protect their hearing health. We kindly ask you not to bring children under the age of 7 to the movie theater, unless there is a children’s movie.
    Recording: Recording by camera, mobile phone or any recording device is not allowed during the sessions.
    Food&Drink: You may enjoy the food and drink services at Kundura Cinema or you may prefer Beykoz Kundura’s restaurant, Demirane.
    Changes in the Program: Don’t forget to follow us on social media! If there is a change in the scheduled program due to reasons beyond our control, you can get information from our website and social media accounts.

    Tickets are available at Beykoz Kundura website and Kundura Box Office.
    Kundura Box Office Working Hours:
    10 am – 5 pm
    Weekend: 12 pm – 9 pm
    For Information:

    The guests with a discount ticket are required to provide their identification card at the entrance.

    No refunds and change unless the program changes.
    You can follow our updates and campaigns on our social media accounts.

    Click here for transportation details.

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